Opens menu that contains items previously added by <menu_additem> command.
<menu_show>(Xpos, Ypos, Variable, RetValueOption, ItemPrefix)
X-coordinate of the menu position. If Xpos is û1 and Ypos is also û1, the
menu appears on mouse cursor position.
Y-coordinate of the menu position. If Xpos is û1 and Ypos is also û1, the
menu appears on mouse cursor position.
This variable receives the menu item user clicks on. If no menu item is
selected, the variable receives ôNOö value.
If this parameter is 1, the Variable receives the item name as it was
added using <menu_additem> command. If this parameter is 0, the Variable
receives the order number of the item clicked.
Can be one of these values:
0 - default behavior.
1 - a prefix (1-9, a-z) is added before each macro name in the menu. This
allows user to run macro by pressing the prefix key.
<#> This macro will show how to use 'menu_additem'
<#> and 'menu_show' commands
<if_str>("vColor != NO")
<msg>(-100,-100,"Selected item is: %vColor%","Message",1)